Thursday, April 18, 2013

Early Childhood homeschooling

I just wanted to share this exceptionally good article regarding homeschooling preschoolers and kindergarteners. In my training and experience so much is very true in our preschool and kindergarten homeschooling at our home! 

However, I have been concerned at the number of parents who attempt preschool/kindergarten homeschooling and feel they can't do homeschooling because of the challenges of "taming" and "training" a child who has never been to "school." Yet in turning to traditional early childhood education, they are missing out on some of the very best bonding years and easiest academically to spend homeschooling their little ones short cutting lots of cuddling and beautiful spontaneous mother-child moments that are otherwise abruptly brought to a stop in separation. Don't give up too soon simply because the learning style of a very young child is excessively random! It will in time begin to form a pattern depending on your willingness to "go with the flow" and guide their learning activities. In fact, these early years are some of the most fun learning years you will ever teach at home and if you are even slightly ADD yourself, you will thoroughly enjoy the "roller coaster ride" as well! 

Don't worry about bringing the formal school into your fact, the natural learning curiosity of your little ones will keep you on your toes to stay ahead of them! Simply establish a household rhythm of waking and eating and chores, reading aloud book time, coloring and recreation each day and once that pattern is fairly set, then start adding the extras.   Pinterest is an amazing resource to find high quality learning activities for this age level absolutely free!

I think the inconsistently of a preschoolers and kindergartener's learning style is the most varied of all school age children. When someone says they are not in the "mood" to do something; this is exceptionally true with a child at this stage of development. Extreme variety is the key in developing a good student as strange as it seems. Now there are some mamas who love the touchy feely get dirty styles of exploratory play and that is great especially for little boys. Some children have to have that, however I am a "neat freak" mama and so are my girls, so our idea of learning science is not playing in the mud! ;)  Praise the Lord for that! LOL

Some days a child is all into developmental free play which is very critical, yet other days my girls could sit and do workbooks all day; in fact completing an entire 20 page booklet!  Other days they are churning out the arts and crafts faster than I can gather the supplies! And yet, other days all they seem to crave is to play outdoors and to sing and dance and play their musical instruments.  Some days I selectively allow them to play on educational apps on my Kindle or or watch Leapfrog dvds on Netflix. The only thing we do consistently EVERY DAY is Bible and living books reading.  

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